Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Turn about sucks....
Title: Turn about Sucks
Authors: Tarabeth and Jo
Characters: Mason and Billy
Mason and Craig were leaving the building. They had assessed that there was no one in the building, and that the building was lost. They needed to retreat and fight the flames from the outside. Craig had just exited the door, when a ceiling beam fell and hit Mason hard on his helmet, and dislodged his oxygen mask. He fell to his knees, and struggled for a moment to gain his composure. His lungs inhaled the thick smoke, and jogged Mason back to his senses. He pushed his mask back into place and exited the building just as Craig had turned back around to get him.
Mason swayed towards the large fire engine, to get the blitz line. Craig grabbed Mason, sat him on the ground, and motioned to one of the other firefighters to bring over the stretcher and EMS gear. Mason tried to shrug Craig away, but when Craig removed Mason’s helmet and oxygen mask, Mason did a little sway of wooziness, and began to cough. Lt. Pike quickly had a grouchy and protesting Mason strapped to the gurney, wearing an oxygen mask, and on his way to the Jade Heights Emergency Department, with lights blaring.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Billy was humming under his breath. He was very happy; with Micky on board they were able to get more cars in, so the business was prospering. He was very happy with Mason and he'd finally cut his family out of his life. "Could things get any better?" he wondered.
The phone rang. "Hi Craig," Billy said cheerfully, down the phone. The animation left his face as he listened. He hung the phone up and turned to Micky, his face absolutely ashen "Mason's been taken to hospital," he said, dully, "Smoke inhalation." Micky moved quickly, before Billy knew it the two of them were in Micky's truck, and breaking every speed limit posted, to get to the hospital.
Billy sprinted for the door and almost went face first, into the automatic doors. He slid to a halt in front of the admissions desk. "Is Mason Monroe here?" he asked breathless.
Mason was still on oxygen, but was much happier with the nose tube, than he had been with the mask. He could hear Billy, and asked his mother to go and fetch him. Billy came springing into the small ED room, and firmly attached himself to his husband. “I’m okay Monkey. I’ve got a nasty bump on my head, and inhaled a bit too much smoke. My oxygen stats are looking good, and it’s just a mild concussion, so hopefully they’ll let me go home in a few hours.”
Billy knew Mason would do anything and say anything to reassure him. He looked at Mason's mother, "Is he telling the truth?" Billy asked bluntly, never letting go of his lover.
Mrs. Monroe was holding Mason’s hand; she let go of his hand, and smoothed his hair off of his forehead. “He’s been very lucky,” she said to Billy, “but he maybe being a bit optimistic. His doctor would prefer to keep him overnight. But, our dear Mason is a bit stubborn, and would like to go home. The doctor did say, if his blood oxygen levels stayed good, continued to rise, and if he kept his dinner down, she would think about sending him home tonight.”
Billy looked hard at his husband. "If I argue and don't listen to a doctor you get mad, but when you don't listen it's okay. I think if a doctor says you should stay overnight you should." Billy had struck a pose that was unconsciously, like Mason's when he was issuing orders.
Mason gave Billy a weak smile, his head was furiously pounding, and that wasn't helping his nausea one bit. "Okay, Monkey, when Dr. Carter comes back around, I'll do whatever she says. I promise."
Billy just cuddled up to his lover, he hadn't seen Mason sick before, and wasn't sure how to deal with it. He was glad Mason's mom was there as well, and the doctor projected an aura of calm, which reassured Billy.
He made sure he told the doctor that Mason would do whatever she told him, and she immediately admitted him for observation overnight, Billy managed to calmly meet Mason's glare which was slightly spoiled by his Top throwing up in mid glare.
Mason looked for some vessel to throw up in, as the need to vomit quickly over took him. He was not happy that he didn't have a basin to use and ended up vomiting into his hands.
Mason's mother stepped into the hall as soon as she noticed the warning signal that her son was about to blow, and signaled a nurse. The nurse entered moments later carrying a large rectangular basin. Mrs. Monroe took the receptacle and held it while Mason continued to vomit. When the convulsive retching finally stopped, Mason was a sweaty, teary mess. The nurse pressed the call button, and asked a nursing assistant to come and help get Mason clean, and she also asked to have Dr. Carter paged.
The nursing assistant and Dr. Carter both arrived about the same time, and asked that Billy and Mrs. Monroe step out of the room so they could get Mason cleaned up and medicated.
"I'm not going anywhere," Billy replied "He's my husband and I'm staying with him. He gently rubbed Mason's back and swept his lover's hair out of his eyes. "I'm here baby. I love you."
“It’s okay, he can stay,” Mason said. “Ma, do you mind?” he asked.
“Of course not sweetheart. I’ll go grab a coffee, and be back in a little while,” his mother answered.
The nursing assistant closed the door, and pulled the privacy curtain. She helped Mason to remove his gown, keeping him covered by the sheet and blanket. She brought in a basin of warm soapy water and washed Mason’s hands. She pulled back and removed the dirty sheet and blanket, and handed Mason a new gown. Billy helped his husband get into the new gown, while the nursing assistant quickly placed a new sheet and blanket on the bed. Mason leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes trying to rest from his ordeal.
He wasn’t paying any attention as Dr. Carter pulled a pair of latex gloves from the box on the wall, and slipped them onto her hands. She then removed two antiemetic suppositories, and a tube of lubricant from her coat pocket. “Mason, roll over for me, I want to give you something to help with the vomiting and nausea.”
Mason made a bit of a disgusted face and turned away from Billy and Dr. Carter.
Billy spluttered, "Payback's a bitch," he said, trying unsuccessfully, to keep the smile off his face.
“Thanks for the support, sweetheart,” Mason said. He was about ready to give his Brat a piece of his mind, but was quieted by the feeling of the sheet and blanket being lifted and his gown moved out of the way to bare his butt. He let out a small gasp when he felt the gloved hand separating his cheeks. Dr. Carter slipped in the two medicinal bullets, and recovered him. She told Mason his room on the ward would be ready shortly, and that she would come check on him once he got situated.
Billy’s brow creased when the deep breath Mason took made him cough. He followed the doctor out. "Is there something you're not telling me about?" he asked suspicious.
The doctor told Billy that Mason had inhaled a bit of smoke, but didn't seem to be suffering any major effects from it, she explained the coughing was to be expected. Although it was possible that Mason could take a turn for the worse from either his head injury or the smoke inhalation, he seemed to be recovering well and she expected he would go home tomorrow. She told him that on the off chance that Mason's symptoms got worse, the hospital was the best place for him, and that was why she was keeping him overnight.
Mason began to wonder where his husband had wandered off to. "Billy, honey," he called out.
Billy came into the room. "I was just talking to the doctor," he explained. "You know in the next week or so I could develop a butt fetish," he joked. "Apparently with smoke inhalation, irritating the throat with pills and thermometers is not recommended. I don't trust ear thermometers," Billy grinned at his Top, cheekily.
Mason had not appreciated the insertions of the suppositories, and the thought of submitting his butt for future intrusions was making his already foul mood take a big turn for the worse. He was not a happy camper about having to spend the night in the hospital. His voice was hoarse. His mouth tasted of bile, and he thought his head would feel better if it actually exploded. “Lesson number one of dealing with a sick Top, Monkey, we get cranky, and it’s not nice to tease us,” he informed his terribly cheeky Brat.
"Same as Brats," Billy shot back, "And we have horrible bossy, swat happy Tops to deal with. At least you've got sweet little me." He knew Mason was cranky but he couldn't resist teasing him.
"Come here, sweet little you," Mason said, holding his arms open. "Careful with the wiggling, still a little nauseous here." Mason wrapped his arms around Billy, as if he were a big teddy bear. "I could use a Monkey snuggle?"
"Okay," Billy snuggled in. "I just hope we don't startle the natives," he said, giggling. A couple of minutes later he whined, "Mason, stop doing that we can't fuck in a hospital bed." He heard a noise and his head shot up to see Mason's mum and a nurse. His face turned bright red, although Mason's mum was obviously trying to hide a laugh, the nurse was obviously shocked.
Mason heard his mother’s strangled laugh, and looked up at both women. His hand was still down the front of Billy’s pants, grasping his husband’s cock. “Ummm,” the nurse stuttered, “Captain Monroe, hospital policy requires that you be alone in your bed. I’ll give you a moment, and when I come back I’ll take you up to the ward.” Mason blushed, and slowly removed his hand from Billy’s pants.
“Mason, give me a kiss. I’m going to go home for a while. I’ll come back after dinner, and stay for a short visit before you go to bed. Would either of you like me stop by the house and get you anything?”
"You mean like lube," Billy replied and was treated to a twin Monroe glare. He wilted. "Can you feed Thomas please," he said, in a small voice.
Mason's mother agreed to feed Thomas, and said she would also bring Billy back a change of clothes, and some dinner from the Maple Grille. She kissed both Mason and Billy, and said her goodbyes.
When Mason and Billy were again alone in the room, Mason applied a swat to his Brat's butt. "I can't believe you just asked my mother to bring us lube," Mason said teasing.
Billy smiled "Well she did ask," he argued. He shivered "Did you learn the LOOK from your mother?"
“Yes, it’s hereditary. Haven’t you noticed Uncle Doug, has the same look. We should ask for a cot for you, for tonight, because I don't think you and I could get much sleep in this small of a space."
Two orderlies appeared and transferred Mason up to the ward. Once there the nurse's came in to take Mason's vitals and get him settled. Mason informed Billy he was going to try and sleep, but eventually his headache became too intense to sleep, and also seemed to re-trigger the nausea, and Mason soon found himself vomiting in a bucket.
Billy heard Mason's moans and he was on Mason's bed in a flash as his lover threw up. He hit the nurse's button and gently rubbed his husband's back trying to reassure him. "Will you do something," he said, as a nurse arrived, "He's in pain."
The nurse was soon back with another dose of the antiemetics and a syringe full of pain medicine. "These will help you feel better," the nurse said. "I'm going to need you turn over for me so I can administer them."
Mason was beyond miserable. He turned on his side, took hold of Billy's hand, and closed his eyes. He winced as he felt the suppository inserted, and squeezed Billy's hand when the pain medication was injected into his hip. He let out a whispered, "Thank you," to the nurse, as she recovered his bottom.
"You're welcome, those should help you to sleep for a while," she replied.
Mason kept his eyes closed, and continued to hold Billy's hand, until he dozed off.
Billy was relieved to see Mason drop off. He stayed on the bed with Mason, alert to his lover's slightest movement.
Mason was still asleep when Daisy Monroe returned to the small hospital. She signaled for Billy to join her in the hall. "Hi sweetheart," she said, giving Billy a hug and kiss. "I brought you a change of clothes. I thought you might be more comfortable sleeping in these." She handed Billy a pair of soft sweat pants, his long sleeve 'Warning: Property of a Firefighter' t-shirt, and his monkey socks. "I also picked you up some dinner at the Grille." She noticed Billy start to protest. "Hush, you. Mason would not be happy if you didn't eat dinner. I got you a steak sandwich, with salad instead of French fries; I expect you to eat your salad. If you do, I'll let you have the piece of Mason's chocolate cake that I brought from your house. Now why don't you go change and eat your dinner. I'll sit with Mason for a while, and then leave you two alone for the night."
While she was talking he'd slipped off his t-shirt and wriggled into the long sleeve top. He loved the top, and had laughed so hard when he got it, he'd fallen off the couch he was sitting on. He looked at Daisy turning on his charm.
"Yes ma'am," Billy replied, his eyes twinkling. "You are bossier than Mason you know," he said, "He gets me french fries." He looked at Mason's Mama and gave her his best winsome smile, "If I promise to eat the salad, can I have the chocolate cake first?"
Daisy kissed Billy on the nose. "No, you will eat your dinner first young man. I think you should eat it in the visitor's lounge, honey. The smell of the food, maybe to much for Mason." Billy frowned at the suggestion. "I promise you can have him back when you’re finished," Daisy teased. "I expect you to actually eat that dinner, not push it around on the plate or hide it in the trash. I'm a mother and I'll know if you do," she told him.
Mrs. Monroe kissed her son goodbye, when Billy returned from eating dinner. "I'll be back tomorrow to pick you both up, and to help you get Mason settled at home." She kissed Billy and left for the night.
The cot they set up for Billy was not the most comfortable thing he'd ever tried to sleep on, and without Mason to cuddle around he just couldn't get to sleep. It wouldn't be the first time he'd stayed awake overnight. He knew from experience that morphine could cause nausea and he didn't really trust doctor's much.
Mason was surprised by the sleep that he got, but the nurses kept him well medicated in between their regular checks on him. By noon the next morning he was more than ready to leave. He changed into the clothes his mother brought him, listened carefully to Dr. Carter's instructions, argued with the auxiliary member about being wheeled out of the hospital, and was a general grouch the whole ride home.
He smiled at the yeowling little kitten when he entered the house. "Hi kitten, I missed you," Mason said, as he bent down to pick up Thomas. The small gesture brought about a coughing fit that sent Thomas scurrying under the couch.
"Billy help Mason get settled in bed, I'm going to swing by the pharmacy and pick up his prescriptions," Daisy instructed.
Billy helped Mason up to bed, and the big fireman was asleep as his head hit the pillow.
Mrs. Monroe arrived back at the house; Billy was holding Thomas, and quietly watching television on the bed next to Mason. “Hi honey,” Daisy said, handing the bag of medications to Billy. “Here are Mason’s medications. Dr. Carter prescribed the pain meds in both pills and suppositories in case Mason is still feeling some nausea. The anti-nausea meds are also in suppository form. Don’t let the big grouch talk you out of giving them to him if he needs them, and if he gives you a bad time, you call me. There are a couple of inhalers; he needs to use those several times a day. Don’t forget that Dr. Carter wants you to monitor his temperature for the next few days. His temperature should remain normal. I’ll leave you two to get settled, and I’ll bring dinner by in a few hours. I love you, honey. Give Mason a kiss for me when he wakes up.”
"OK," Billy replied quietly. He was not used to Mason the grouch and wasn't sure he could cope. He mentally shook himself and smiled at Daisy. "We'll be fine," he said, confidently. He kissed Daisy. "See you later," he said, hoping devoutly that Daisy wouldn't feed him salad again. He was smart enough not to mention it.
When Daisy had left, Billy settled back down next to Mason, and watched TV holding onto Thomas, as a safety blanket. When his programme had finished he stirred and looked at Mason who was still sleeping, but there was a furrow in his forehead and he was restless. ‘One of those headaches,’ Billy thought and got up and padded through to the bathroom, where he picked up the rectal thermometer and lube then padded back into the bedroom, just as Mason woke up.
It took Mason a moment to get his bearings when he woke. His head had a ferocious ache. He looked at Billy, and noticed what his Brat was carrying. "What the hell do you think you're going to do with that?" Mason growled with his husky smoke damaged lungs.
"I'm going to take your temp," Billy said, steadily. "Then I'm going to put some pain pills where the thermometer went and anti-nausea pills, if you need them." Billy didn't wilt under the look Mason gave him, although his knees did shake a bit. "Come on Mace," Billy almost pleaded. "I don't want to force the issue but your throat is in no condition to cope with any of these procedures."
Mason was not in the mood to be nice, but he sensed Billy's nervousness. He let out a sigh. "All right, Monkey." He turned over onto his stomach. "Do you know what you're doing, or do you need me to talk you through it?" he asked, praying he wouldn't have to give Billy the play by play.
"I'm used to being on the other side," Billy joked nervously. "I reckon I can do it but if it's painful make me stop. Not if it's uncomfortable it always is," Billy continued, flipping open the bottle of lube.
Thomas as always fled at the appearance of the lube. "Stupid cat," Billy groused, "He doesn't know the difference between fucking and medical procedures." Billy generously coated the thermometer with lube and holding his breath slightly began to insert it into Mason's butt. He felt some resistance but he was gentle and gently stroked Mason's butt, "Open up for me honey," he said softly, remembering his first encounter with the anal thermometer.
Mason hadn’t realized he was clenching, until he heard Billy. He took a deep breath, which caused the coughing to start. He curled into a ball until it stopped, and then resumed his position, and concentrated hard on relaxing. It wasn’t easy, when he knew what would happen when he did.
Billy waited until Mason's coughing fit was over, and his Top was back in position. He saw Mason relax and quickly and smoothly inserted the thermometer as if he'd done it a million times before. He let out a sigh and began to breath again. He suddenly realised something, "How long does it have to be in there?" he asked anxiously.
Mason let out sigh. Having the glass thermometer in his rectum wasn’t as bad as he remembered from his childhood, but he still wouldn’t describe it as a pleasant experience.
Billy’s hand rested across the cleavage of Mason’s ass and the thermometer was held firmly in place between Billy’s fingers.
Mason felt as if he could feel every millimeter of the probe, and he couldn’t stand the feeing of lube in and around his anus. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to talk with the thermometer in his butt. He closed his eyes a little tighter, focused on Billy’s question, and finding the answer somewhere in his brain. He took a gentle breath, careful not to cause himself to start coughing. “Four to five minutes,” he answered. “I then usually take it out, check the reading, and then shake it down and reinsert it to verify the reading. But, since you're just making sure it’s still normal; I don’t think you need to take a second reading.”
"I'll only take it twice if the first one is elevated," Billy replied, he was very well aware of how his lover felt. This was nowhere near Mason's kink, and Billy didn't like it much either. After about four minutes Billy removed the thermometer and checked it. "All clear?" he said, "How'd you feel, headache, nausea?"
"It depends what kind of medicine the doctor prescribed," Mason answered.
Billy silently showed him the suppositories. He kept the oral pain pills hidden, he knew Mason's throat was in no condition to take a pill; he'd never be able to swallow it at this stage.
Mason was ready to tell Billy he didn't need any medicine, because he was tired of being poked and prodded. He remembered back to his promise that he would follow the doctor's orders, and he told Billy that he needed both of the medications, and again presented his butt to his Brat. Billy ever so gently gave Mason the suppositories. "Thank you, Monkey. I could use a bit of a cuddle."
Billy went to the bathroom and washed his hands and the thermometer, and then came back to the bedroom and climbed into bed next to Mason.
Mason pulled Billy close to him and kissed him on the top of his head. "I'm sorry you had to do that, if you don't want to do it again, I can give myself any future doses."
Billy giggled, as he pictured Mason the contortionist. "Nope, I'm fine to give them to you until your throat improves," he said. "Then you can take the oral pain pills."
Mason held Billy close. His husband's giggle was great medicine. He kissed Billy's neck and then nipped at his ear. "What oral pain pills?" Mason asked.
Billy continued to giggle.
"Monkey?" Mason said with a somewhat playful growl.
Billy wriggled "The ones the doctor prescribed," he said, innocently. "They're in the medicine cupboard until you can take them safely."
Mason smiled to himself, and swept the fringe off of Billy's forehead. "Baby, my throat is sore, but okay to take pills. She prescribed the pain pills as suppositories in case I was having trouble keeping them down." He kissed Billy's neck again. "I think if I need more of the pain meds we should try them orally. It's good to know how my stomach will handle them." Mason laughed at the firm look Billy gave him. "I'm not trying to get out of anything. I promised you I would follow the doctor's orders, and I will."
Billy relaxed into Mason. "Ah, drugs are a wonderful thing," Mason said, as he could feel the nausea and headache finally relenting. He slid his hand into Billy's sweat pants, wrapped his hand around Billy's cock and began to stroke and tease it. "Thank you for taking such good care of me," Mason said.
"You're coughing if you move suddenly," Billy pointed out, "I'm not sure you're fit to take medicine orally." He gasped as he felt Mason's hand sneak under his sweat pants. "You're sick not dead right?" Billy asked "And I like taking care of you, if I get this sort of payment." Billy sighed in pleasure.
Mason didn't think he would be able to rise to the occasion, but he knew his Brat had been nervous and anxious over Mason's injuries and giving Billy this release was a good way to help calm and relax him. Mason pulled Billy close so that they were spooning, and slid his other hand into Billy's pants. He used his hands to fully engulf his husband's cock. Mason slowly and expertly brought Billy to orgasm. He then helped Billy to slip out of his sweat pants and used them to clean his husband off. The activity had tired both men out, and Mason drew his tired husband close and they both drifted off to sleep.
The End
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